Play Full Would You Rather in Best Video Format.
Now you can see Would You Rather in High Quality Video with duration 93 Min and has been launched in 2012-10-14 and MPAA rating is 71.- Original Title : Would You Rather
- Movie title in your country : Would You Rather
- Year of movie : 2012
- Genres of movie : Horror, Thriller,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2012-10-14
- Companies of movie : Periscope Entertainment, Social Construct, Dreamher Productions, Lambrick Foundation, The,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 93 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.8
- Youtube ID of movie : it5XICr93wU
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,RU,FR,TR,ES,PL,NL,PT,HU,DE,EL,
- Actors of movie :John Heard (Conway), Jeffrey Combs (Shepard Lambrick), Robin Lord Taylor (Julian (as Robin Lord Taylor)), Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (Dr. Barden), Charlie Hofheimer (Travis), Jonny Coyne (Bevans), Larry Cedar (The Driver), Ptolemy Slocum (Shift Manager), Brittany Snow (Iris), Robb Wells (Peter), Logan Miller (Raleigh), Enver Gjokaj (Lucas), Sasha Grey (Amy), Eddie Steeples (Cal), June Squibb (Linda)
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Movie synopsis of Would You Rather :
Watch full Would You Rather in Best Look with movie summary "Desperate to help her ailing brother, a young woman agrees to compete in a deadly game of "Would You Rather," hosted by a sadistic aristocrat." in HD quality. Release Would You Rather in Best Look by push of the button above.
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Screenplay : Steffen Schlachtenhaufen, Executive Producer : Morgan Conrad, Set Decoration : Jenny Shields, Co-Producer : Ivy Isenberg, Executive Producer : Andre Royo, Production Design : Rene Sekula, Costume Design : Kristen Anacker, Cinematography : Steven Capitano Calitri, Associate Producer : Hector Tinoco, Editor : Josh Schaeffer, Producer : David Guy Levy, Executive Producer : Brittany Snow, Music : Daniel Hunt, Associate Producer : Gus Krieger, Producer : Zak Kilberg, Director : David Guy Levy, Art Direction : Christopher Eckerdt, Producer : Maura Anderson, Casting : Geralyn Flood, Casting : Ivy Isenberg, Music : Barði Jóhannsson
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Tags: suicide, sadistic, drowning, countdown, brother, party, murder, cancer, blood, contest, dinner, doctor, torture, electrocution, pistol, game, aristocrat, mutilation, invitation,
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