Free A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge in Top Quality.
Now you can see A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge in HD video with duration 87 Min and has been aired on 1985-11-01 with MPAA rating is 84.- Original Title : A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge
- Movie title in your country : A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge
- Year of movie : 1985
- Genres of movie : Horror,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1985-11-01
- Companies of movie : New Line Cinema, Smart Egg Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 87 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.7
- Youtube ID of movie : 9iqNVyjwLFA
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,RU,FR,IT,TR,ES,ZH,PT,FI,BG,SV,NL,HU,SR,CS,PL,JA,DA,EL,
- Cast of movie :Melinda O. Fee (Mrs. Webber), Hope Lange (Cheryl Walsh), Christie Clark (Angela Walsh), Steve Eastin (Policeman), Kim Myers (Lisa Webber), Lyman Ward (Mr. Grady), Jonathan Hart (Spike), Marshall Bell (Coach Schneider), Robert Chaskin (Bar-B-Que Boy), Kerry Remsen (Girlfriend), Mark Patton (Jesse Walsh), Allison Barron (Girl on Bus), Edward Blackoff (Biology Teacher), Tom Tangen (Victim (uncredited)), Clu Gulager (Ken Walsh), Robert Rusler (Ron Grady), Hart Sprager (Teacher), Brian Wimmer (Do-Gooder), Kimberly Lynn (Patty), Donna Bruce (Mrs. Grady), Tom McFadden (Mr. Webber), Steven Smith (Victim), Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger), Sydney Walsh (Kerry), JoAnn Willette (Girl on Bus)
Movie synopsis of A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge :
Play full A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge in High Quality Video with movie summary "A new family moves into the house on Elm Street, and before long, the kids are again having nightmares about deceased child murderer Freddy Krueger. This time, Freddy attempts to possess a teenage boy to cause havoc in the real world, and can only be overcome if the boy's sweetheart can master her fear." in HD format. Best A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge in Best Quality by push of the download link.
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Editor : Arline Garson, Screenplay : David Chaskin, Executive Producer : Stephen Diener, Original Music Composer : Christopher Young, Editor : Bob Brady, Executive Producer : Stanley Dudelson, Characters : Wes Craven, Director of Photography : Jacques Haitkin, Director of Photography : Christopher Tufty, Director : Jack Sholder, Producer : Robert Shaye
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